Friday, August 31, 2012
There's something to be said for A Cappella groups. I've posted before about how much I LOVE listening to them. I was broken hearted when I heard "The Sing-Off" was not going to air for another season! There is just something about listening to music that you know is ALL voice. No instruments, no recording studio doctoring. Just PURE talent. I love it! Take a look at this new video from the A Cappella group Eclipse of Bruno Mars "Just the Way You Are".
Friday, August 24, 2012
Closer to You, Calee Reed
Sorry I'm a day late today, I'm up to my neck busy with school in session now and Dr's appointments....still trying to set a new schedule for the family!
I recently received Calee Reeds new debut Album "The Waiting Place" and LOVE it. Many of us were first introduced to Calee Reed around mothers day when she released a single "She Put the Music in Me", as well as music video to go with it. I posted in on my blog HERE. Calee has such a unique sound to her music and voice. I was even surprised to see that the genre iTunes put her in was "Indie Rock", even though this CD is primarily Christian music. There are so many great songs on this CD like the toe tapping "Trust In God"- seriously it's so fun! Also, the song "Time for Love" is a live version, talking about how it's just time for love in this world! I think this song is needed as a public service message!
The song that I want to share my feelings about today is "Closer to You". You can hear a clip of it (and download it) HERE. Isn't it amazing how so many emotions in life can be compared to weather? When you are happy you can compare it to sunlight, when you are going through hard trials you can compare it to storms, when you end a chapter in your life you can compare it to a sunset. The thing that instantly caught my attention in this song is the first line, "Why do we only remember the sun, after the rain starts pouring down?". It's true isn't it? We don't think about how beautiful the sun has been during the day until we realize its actually not sunny any more. We don't realize how good life is until we are in the midst of a storm/trial rolling in. "We fear we are lost to him [and left] to sink in the raging sea" when we are going through something that is really difficult. Whether it is the death of a loved one, or fighting in your marriage, or the loss of a friend- sometimes our human nature will want to know why it happened to us. Why do we think God has left us alone? What we need to always remember is that our Savior is there with his hand reaching down pulling us up if we just have faith to walk on the water next to him. This song reminds me that we just need to look past the dark storm clouds and rising water and we will make it through the storm....because the storm will always end. Enjoy the words of this song.
I recently received Calee Reeds new debut Album "The Waiting Place" and LOVE it. Many of us were first introduced to Calee Reed around mothers day when she released a single "She Put the Music in Me", as well as music video to go with it. I posted in on my blog HERE. Calee has such a unique sound to her music and voice. I was even surprised to see that the genre iTunes put her in was "Indie Rock", even though this CD is primarily Christian music. There are so many great songs on this CD like the toe tapping "Trust In God"- seriously it's so fun! Also, the song "Time for Love" is a live version, talking about how it's just time for love in this world! I think this song is needed as a public service message!
The song that I want to share my feelings about today is "Closer to You". You can hear a clip of it (and download it) HERE. Isn't it amazing how so many emotions in life can be compared to weather? When you are happy you can compare it to sunlight, when you are going through hard trials you can compare it to storms, when you end a chapter in your life you can compare it to a sunset. The thing that instantly caught my attention in this song is the first line, "Why do we only remember the sun, after the rain starts pouring down?". It's true isn't it? We don't think about how beautiful the sun has been during the day until we realize its actually not sunny any more. We don't realize how good life is until we are in the midst of a storm/trial rolling in. "We fear we are lost to him [and left] to sink in the raging sea" when we are going through something that is really difficult. Whether it is the death of a loved one, or fighting in your marriage, or the loss of a friend- sometimes our human nature will want to know why it happened to us. Why do we think God has left us alone? What we need to always remember is that our Savior is there with his hand reaching down pulling us up if we just have faith to walk on the water next to him. This song reminds me that we just need to look past the dark storm clouds and rising water and we will make it through the storm....because the storm will always end. Enjoy the words of this song.
What does it teach you?
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Reflections of Christ |
Closer to You, by Calee Reed
Why do we only remember the sun after the rain starts pouring down
We take it for granted until it is gone; we’re left with just storm clouds around
We’re standing in water that’s rising fast and these dark clouds are gathering speed
Just when I feel I’m not going to last I look through the clouds for the rescue I need
Lord, let this storm bring me closer to you Help me pull through this
Lord, help me see, letting fear flood my heart with just drown me
Bring me closer to you
Why do we fear that we are lost to him, or faded to sink in the raging sea
Struggling for courage to rise up and swim or walk on the waves of his beckoning
I’m wading through water that’s rising fast and these dark clouds are gathering speed
Just when I feel I’m not going to last I look through the clouds for the rescue I need
Lord, let this storm bring me closer to you please help me get through this
Lord, help me see letting fear flood my heart will just drown me
No matter how many hurricanes I’m called to endure
Of one thing I’m always sure, that as hard as it gets, I know when its all through
I’ll be stronger, and wiser, and closer to you
I’ll wait for this storm to end, just like they always do
And I’ll be cleaner, and purer and brighter
More loved and more sure and lighter
Stronger and wiser and closer to you
(Words transcribed by me, I apologize if they aren't 100% correct)
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Thursday, August 16, 2012
Music is FUN!
I love discovering new music, and I have recently discovered a great cd for my kids! As a matter of fact, ever since we got this cd a week ago, every day, the second we get in the car my two boys ask for the music to be turned on and get upset when I have to turn it off! This new music album, Scripture Power is such a fun cd for kids (and adults!). It is so fun and upbeat you can't help but enjoy yourself and feel good when you are done listening to it. I even caught my 6 year old singing a song from it the other day.
I can not stress enough the power of music in the life of a child. Music, without even meaning to, can completely change the mood of everyone who can hear it. When I feel the spirit of contention in my home I instantly walk to my ipod and turn on some peaceful music, whether it is my favorite music artists like Mercy River, Hilary Weeks or Cherie Call, or I turn on some Pandora piano music (my favorite channels are the "William Joseph" channel or "Paul Cardall". In the mornings to keep things calm I have started going to my "Sarah Bareilles" channel....calm, but upbeat. The foot tapping, upbeat nature of the songs on this album help us have fun together while we are in the car! I wish we would have had this all summer, it would have been perfect for our many long car rides to the mountains! Check out the link to the album and listen to some of the samples, you'll enjoy it!
Click HERE to go to where you can purchase Scripture Power, it is also available for mP3 download.
HERE is another FUN, kids cd as well, called Popcorn Bopping.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Some thoughts....
I've recently had on my mind the impact that good media can have on who we are inside. It affects how we think of ourselves, how we act, the attitude we have day to day. How do you feel after you put that book down you've been reading, after you walk out of the movie, or after you turn off the t.v. or radio? I always find its a hard balance to figure out with the good and evil surrounding our world today. We live in a day where men call "evil good, and good evil" (Isa. 5:20) Today I just wanted to share some interesting quotes I found on this subject!
"Music can help you draw closer to your Heavenly Father. It can be used to educate, edify, inspire, and unite. However, music can, by its tempo, beat, intensity, and lyrics, dull your spiritual sensitivity. You cannot afford to fill your minds with unworthy music." (and might I add, unworthy media in general)"
-President Thomas S. Monson
“We need to make good media choices ourselves and set good examples for our children. … We need to take time to watch appropriate media with our children and discuss with them how to make choices that will uplift and build rather than degrade and destroy”
-M. Russell Ballard
I'd like to challange you, and myself, to be more mindful of the media we partake in. Take note of how that magazine, book, song, tv show, or movie makes you feel, and don't be afraid to put it down or walk away if it doesn't make you feel good, inspire, or uplift you- even if you're the only one doing it.
On a side note- here is fun video from Britt Nicole!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Already a Butterfly
I am excited to share with you guys a new music video that was just released this week! The song is by Cherie Call and is called "Already a Butterfly". As you'll see, this is such a cute video with such profound words! The song has a fun catchy beat too! I love many of Cherie's songs, one of my favorites is "No Ordinary Girl" from her album The Ocean in Me. A few years ago I remember seeing her perform at Time Out For Women...she was VERY pregnant and I couldn't believe she was there, singing in front of hundreds of women and sounding as amazing as ever. She has such a calming tone to her voice that I return to often! Back to her new song....
"You don't need a cape if you're already a butterfly. Butterflies fly through the sky without a care in the world. I wish you could see as the years go by that no matter what you're still that little girl. And its easy to believe you're beautiful when you're three years old. But when fifteen comes around I hope that you still know, butterflies fly through the sky without a care in the world!"
I love that the message from this song teaches us that we are who we are, and we shouldn't change it. We don't need a cape if we are already a butterfly! So often we (at ALL ages) feel that we need to be something else to be wonderful, but if we can all remember to be as a butterfly and fly through the world without a care in the world we WILL be wonderful! How much different would this world be if we taught this to all our children and helped them believe it....and if we remembered it ourselves.
You can check out the thoughts behind this song on Cherie's blog HERE,
and check out her website HERE
THANKS for stopping by!
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