Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Who You Are" by Hilary Weeks

There have been so many times in life where music has been my inspiration to keep going, to keep holding to my faith, and to turn to my Heavenly Father. I'm sure my family can remember many instances where they would walk in the living room or my bedroom and see me just lying there listening to music. I love the peace that music can bring to my soul, listening or singing myself. I know I gained this love for music from my mother. She has a beautiful voice that I have always enjoyed listening to. My parents encouraged each of us 7 kids to learn an instrument, and we all did. Though we didn't all keep it up, I know we each gained an appreciation for music and the inspiration that can come from it. I strive each day to teach my own children this same love for music and see their love for music developing each day. I once opened a dove chocolate that said "Music speaks what words can not", so true. (It should have also added, "Chocolate soothes what food can not" HA!)

A year ago one of our friends from Omaha lost her husband, her best friend, and almost lost two of her sons to a tragic accident. The way I go about life has changed since that day. I have thought about it in one way or another almost every day. I could not imagine going through this, and having to help my children make sense of it right along with me, having to create a new normal without my eternal companion. The moment I got the call that it had happened I turned to music to give me the peace and understanding needed at that time. I wanted to be able to give my friend some peace and comfort desperately needed at that moment. I prayed about how I could do this for her and a certain song from one of my favorite LDS music artists came to mind. It is titled "Who You Are", by Hilary Weeks.

This song gives me so much strength and courage to tackle each day as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter of God. Life can be just plain hard sometimes, but if we can remember who we are, and where we came from we can make it through each day. I know I am a daughter of God, and I was sent here to be a mother to my beautiful children and a wife to my eternal companion. I am blessed to have been taught this by my wonderful parents, and to gain that testimony for myself, and I hope to be able to teach my children the same truths. Remember who you are, and where you came from, and you can make it through each day, no matter the trial.

Who You Are
by: Hilary Weeks
I know you wonder
if you’ll ever have a day
where the kids stay calm,
the laundry’s done,
and the dishes are put away
And sometimes you feel like
Your days are spent and gone
and the question running through your mind
is what have I gotten done
And when you finally have a moment to slow down
At the end of your day
I know Father would say
Believe in what you’re doing
Believe in who you are
Hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God
Believe in who you’re becoming
Believe in who you are
It may seem simple
All the little things you do
But the lives you touch matter so much
And there’s no one else like you
And father needs you to stand tall and faithful
To be all you can be
Oh if you could see what he see’s
You’d believe in what you’re doing
You’d believe in who you are
So hold tight to the truth that you’re a daughter of God
Believe in who you’re becoming
Believe in who you are
When it’s hard to believe in yourself
And you feel like you’re beginning to doubt
He believes in what you’re doing
He believes in who you are
So don’t lose sight of the truth that you’re a Daughter of God
That He believes in who you’re becoming
He believes in who you are

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